MYSTERY: Buried in the sand?


CLUE: What’s this?  A person buried in the sand?  May be. Now figure out where all this is taking place, and send your ideas to, and be sure to include where you live.

15.0505.6714Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill recognized the recent mystery photo immediately. She says it is the “Casa de Mateus in Portugal. I have not been there, but a woman in my book club toured Portugal and I remembered this because of what I thought was a dead body statue in the water. Hope someone knows why there’s a dead person in the pool!” It’s not a dead person in the pool, but a statue, but why, perhaps another reader can report. (Photo by EEB).

The significance of the photo is that this is where the owners of the vineyard that produces Mateus wine lives. Descendants of the original family still live in the house, while tourists can tour a portion of the house, with its ornate furniture, tapestries and photographs.

The only other person recognizing the photo was the reliable Ruthy Lachman Paul, of Norcross who wrote: “The city of Villa Real is the capital of the region Trás-os-Montes, in the north Portugal and its largest city. The city was starting in the 15 th century, and was the home of nobility/gentlefolk of Portugal. The magnificent Mateus palace is of the Italian Baroque-style, with wooden carvings well-known and lots of magnificent art. The gardens that surround the palace are considered the most beautiful in Portugal.”
