MYSTERY: Beautiful shade of blue

15.0630.mystery The water is a beautiful shade of blue, and contrasts dramatically with colorful houses in this seaside community. There are also beautiful spires to help place this location. Send in your thoughts on where this could be to and be sure to include your hometown.

15.0626.mysteryIt didn’t take long for several to recognize the last Mystery Photo, sent in by Beverly Lougher of Lawrenceville. Ruthy Lachman Paul of Norcross wrote immediately that the photo was in “Virginia City, Nevada now a quite dusty town but once, 150 years ago, considered as the richest city in the world. In 1859, a huge lode was discovered here consisting of a mixture of two quite rare precious metals – silver and gold. The Silver Queen Saloon boasts the Silver Queen, with her gown consisting of 3,261 silver dollars and 28 twenty dollar gold pieces, while her jewelry is made of dimes and quarters.

Other recognizing the photo included Crystal Huntzinger, Duluth, and Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill who added: “Much of the silver was coined into silver dollars at the Carson City mint. She’s 16 feet tall and contains 210 lbs. of silver and is a fixture in the bar of the same name.”

OOPS: A recent mystery photo identified as Garden City Beach, S.C. was incorrect. That photograph was really from Rockport, Mass, and as Karen Garner of Dacula says, who sent in the photo, “that property was for sale last time I looked.” We apologize for the mix-up in identification.
