BRACK: Seems to be simple way to solve which restroom to enter

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher |   We in Georgia may think we have our problems. Yet recent action by the Legislature in North Carolina puts that state in the ranks of those with reactionary actions flying in the face of reasonableness.

15.elliottbrackThe North Carolina situation particularly vexes us, in that its action made no sense.  Legislators there quickly passed an act, their Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, which will force public colleges and universities (as well as other public venues and government buildings) to require their restrooms be used only by people whose biological sex at birth matches the sign on the door.

It’s caused an uproar in North Carolina, with already one national company pulling a major project, which would have amounted to 400 jobs. (That company must go somewhere; maybe Georgia is in the chase for it.) Entertainers have also cancelled concerts because of this.

By the time the North Carolina legislature passed this Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, the bill was signed within 12 hours by the governor.  You wonder why he signed it so quickly. You also wonder why he signed it at all, since he is up for re-election this year. We hope he loses, which will show that the North Carolina citizenry is wiser than its legislators!

The Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act wants to regulate which public restroom anyone will use,  seeking to insure that people use the restroom which corresponds to their sex at birth.

But we ask you, “How do you know which sex someone was at birth?”  You certainly can’t these days determine that by their dress. Today we have women dressed as men, and vice versa. When it’s time for them to seek a restroom, how’s anyone to know if they adhere to the law and use the restroom of their birth sex?

16.0412.restroomIn reality, anyone trying to check that out would cause quite a disturbance. And are we to have licensed restroom monitors who by some means—we haven’t figured out yet—will say whether you or I or the next person should go into this rest room or the other? And how about the persons approving the license?

You see all kinds of problems in such situations.

Far better it would be for a woman dressed as a man to go into the guy’s restroom. Granted, that person would not use a urinal. So this person might have to go into a stall while there, but would any of the other guys in the room know or care?

Or if a guy was dressed as a woman went into the ladies’ restroom, who’s to know except that guy? At least there he would, of necessity, use the private stalls.

All this makes us think that some people seem to feel more governmental regulation is just the route to take to make our lives better. But aren’t these the same people who say they want less government? Seems they are giving us “super-government,” complicating our lives, and not paying attention to introducing legislation from the pressing problems of the day. We don’t feel determining which rest room to enter is a pressing problem. We all know which sex we are. The least we can do is use the rest room corresponding to how we are presently dressed.

What! Is this taking the reasonable route?  Many legislators would not recognize that!
