Post Tagged with: "danger"


FOCUS: U.S. is in danger of new epidemic from the animal complex

By Alan Schneiberg  |  Beware! We are in danger of a new epidemic. But the danger is not now China, it is the United States. A major study by the New York University Environmental and Animal Protection and Harvard University is reporting that in the United States lack of government regulations and oversight of animal commerce is creating a significant risk of another major pandemic. 

by · August 1, 2023 · Today's Focus
BRACK: Social media blocking today’s kids, curtails reading and curiosity

BRACK: Social media blocking today’s kids, curtails reading and curiosity

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | What are these social media devices doing to our kids?

Or further, what are these devices doing to all of us?

Look inside yourself: are you hooked on Facebook, or Instagram or Twitter? Or online games, gambling and even pornography?

by · August 30, 2016 · Elliott Brack's Perspective