Post Tagged with: "garden"

MYSTERY: Beautiful, detailed formal garden

MYSTERY: Beautiful, detailed formal garden

Check out this beautiful formal garden. Clue: it’s not around here. Such gardens take lots of tender care, and it may take your tender care to figure out where this is located. Send your answers to and be sure to include the town where you live.

by · September 15, 2015 · Mystery photos
Volunteers toss and turn elements to make enriched soil for the garden.

FOCUS: Captain Planet endorses Summerour Middle’s Growing Edge

By Tixie Fowler | Jalapenos, butterflies and several Joe-Pye’s will be on hand to welcome a whole new crop of sixth graders when they arrive at Summerour Middle School in Norcross this fall.

by · June 23, 2015 · Today's Focus
Locked rose garden gate at Fernbank Museum

BRACK: Many Fernbank rose bushes moved to Georgia governor’s mansion

By Elliott Brack | Imagine your surprise if you were going to an attraction, and when you got there, without you knowing anything about it, the gate was locked.

That’s what happened to one Gwinnettian seeking to visit and admire the roses at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History recently. A sign on the gate said the rose garden was closed permanently. Some of the roses moved to the Governor’s Mansion for care.
