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NEW for 5/13: New co-working space; World’s Fairs; the economy

NEW for 5/13: New co-working space; World’s Fairs; the economy

Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: GAC opens Ignite Center, a co-working space
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Why you don’t hear much about World’s Fair anymore
ANOTHER VIEW: Looking at what professionals think of the economy 
SPOTLIGHT: Walton Gas 
FEEDBACK: Neither of last two presidents served in the military
UPCOMING: Commissioner Watkins will be speaker at Memorial Day gathering
NOTABLE: Jones re-elected to Georgia Transmission board 
RECOMMENDED: What Happened to You? by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry Md, Ph.D
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Bulloch was naval agent for the Confederate states
MYSTERY PHOTO: Plenty of clues await you in today’s mystery
CALENDAR: Ex-Chairman Charlotte Nash speaks May 16 to Gwinnett Historic Society

by · May 13, 2022 · Full issues
Seattle's Space Needle was part of a World's Fair.  (Wikipedia photo)

BRACK: Why you don’t hear much about World’s Fair anymore

By Elliott Brack  |  You don’t hear the term or see much about a “World’s Fair” these days. There are a few reasons why. Congress in 1999 saw the costs of the World’s Fair, and passed legislation banning U.S. participation in them. The last World’s Fair in these states was in 1984 in New Orleans, which proved financially disastrous. Chicago tried to attract such a fair in 1992, but that idea collapsed.
