MYSTERY: Become a Mystery Photo expert


Identify this photo and you’ll be recognized as the Mystery Photo expert. Looks like a castle or bell tower or folly? Where is it? You guess and send your answers to and be sure to include where you live.

15.0529.mysteryIt was a simple Mystery Photo of trees growing, though something had happened to the bottom of the tree. It’s from Southern Spain, where Tom Merkel of Berkeley Lake got a photograph of cork trees after they have been stripped of their cork. The cork and bark is cut off about a cork oak tree in about one to two inches thick, and the cork is harvested. It takes 9-12 years for the tree to rejuvenate more cork and bark. Cork trees are protected in part of Portugal, which produces 50 percent of the world’s cork. Unhappily, no GwinnettForum reader recognized the cork tree.

Whoops. Misspoke who sent in the recent Corinth Canal photo. It was from Scott LeCraw of Suwanee. Our pardons!
