MYSTERY: Stained glass might be hint


Now put on your thinking cap and tell us where you think this edition’s photo was taken. Hmmm. Stained glass windows might indicate a place of worship. And look at those stone walls? Hmmmm. Just where is this? Send your answers to and be sure to include the town where you live.

15.0904.mysteryThat bunch of bicycles all parked together like a swarm of ants in the last edition? None of the GwinnettForum readers could figure out and pinpoint that photograph. One reason perhaps is that it was a far distance from Georgia, taken at Mackinac Island, Michigan. The retreat for Midwesterners is famous for being an island playpen and retreat on Lake Huron, where there are no automobiles. Residents have to walk, use bicycles or horses to navigate the island. And there are bicycles everywhere, especially seen on the eight mile flat state highway that encircles the perimeter of the island.


Routine rush hour near Spaghetti Junction


HO-HUM: Just another crowded day at Spaghetti Junction. Roving Photographer Frank Sharp says that he has been wanting to take photos of the vehicle activity at the intersection of Interstate 85 and 285, so visited the Northcrest Road Bridge to take this photograph. He says: “This is the best place to photograph, since there are no skyscrapers to block photographing in this area. This photo was made around 5 p.m. last Friday, as the highway north was crowded, but not so in the southbound lane. It was hard to shoot through the small holes in the wire fence. I had to take my lens hoods off so I could shoot through these holes.”
