HOUSTON: 3 examples of “divide and conquer” techniques

By Debra Houston  |   The old “divide and conquer” maneuver has been around since the dawn of primordial politics, but I prefer candidates who unite instead of ignite. I wonder if “we the people” will ever be “we the people” again.

00_icon_houstonSome call the technique cultural warfare. By definition it pits one group against another. The latest charge comes from DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz who claims Republicans want to kick women out of the country.

It’s the old “war on women” sham. Schultz pits Republicans (conservative white males in her book) against feminists. I’m a woman and a Republican and would know if the men had declared war on me. So far I’ve encountered no battle wounds.

To be fair, both parties are guilty of divide and conquer. Donald Trump has pitted so many groups against each other that he should be in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Here are some other groups that candidates pit against. Note the dehumanizing spin assigned to each. Warning: It ain’t pretty.

Unions and Walmart: Closet socialists vs. greedy capitalists. That one doesn’t shock as much since Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump announced their candidacies.

PETA and Chick-fil-A: Vegetarians vs. carnivores. That is downright absurd, except vegans carried protest signs outside New York City’s first Chick-fil-A restaurant earlier this month.

Confederate flag opponents and Civil War buffs: Caricaturists of Southern white males vs. sentimental celebrators of slavery. Someone should apologize.

Sounds silly, doesn’t it? Almost as silly as saying Republicans will kick women out of the country.
