MYSTERY: Water may be a clue


Today’s Mystery Photo is a massive building, and note the water in the foreground and the trees.  It might give you a clue. But where is it?   Send your answers to and be sure to include the town where you live.

15.1030.mysteryThe previous mystery photo was taken at an unusual perspective, yet three people still recognized this photo of Mont Saint Michel in France, sent in by Ann Royster of Shelby, N.C. Bob Foreman of was first in, saying:  “This is the famous castle Mont Saint-Michel on the coast of France.  At high tide it is an island.  At low tide it becomes part of the mainland.”

Ruthy Lachman Paul adds: “Mont Saint-Michel, a tiny island with a medieval village and is considered France’s most beautiful settlement. The phenomenon of the tides is almost an abstract concept. But at Mont Saint Michel, the tide is a great experience. At the top of the island, which is less than a kilometer circumference, bears a huge Gothic architectural complex, which served as a station for pilgrims to Compostela, Spain.”

Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill: “This is Mont Saint-Michel in France. My sister stayed on the island this summer during a Rick Steves’ tour and absolutely loved it.”
