WILSON: Wants change in the U.S. Constitution for “fairer representation”

By George Wilson  | When the Constitution was being written, it became necessary to make an important concession to the smaller states by giving them the same number of Senatorial positions as the larger states.

00_icon_wilsonThe smaller states feared domination by the larger states. Therefore, this was a compromise to get them to ratify the Constitution.

Now the question has to be asked in the 21st century, was this a “poison pill” that today will impede the continual development of a true representative democracy in the United States? Does this Constitutional arrangement contribute to stagnation, gridlock, and a weakening of this legislative institution? Does this enhance the “legalized bribery” of elections by special interest groups and the wealthy oligarchy? Does this contribute to the apathy and cynicism of the electorate?

The population of California is 38,041,430 and the population of Wyoming is 576, 412. They both get two senators. Is that fair or representative?

The total populations of California, Texas, and New York are about 84 million or 28 percent of the total population of the United States, and they get six senators. The population of Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming total less than two million, they have six senators.

Four states have populations lower than Gwinnett County, yet they have eight U.S. senators. Undoubtedly, the issue is now one of fairness to the majority.

We must never forget that the path to “a more perfect union” is a continual process. Reforms are also needed in the drawing of Congressional districts to minimize gerrymandering. Moreover, we must eliminate big money in our politics, if the republic is to survive. Finally, the Constitution of the United States isn’t so sacred that it can’t be changed, to make it even more perfect.

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Dear George: First, Gwinnett is now larger than six states, not four, and only 20,000 short of passing Delaware. You leave out one important element about Senate representation: geography. That’s why the compromise came about. That throws a vastly different light on the way we select our Congressional delegates.–eeb
