WILSON: Here’s how Gov. Deal could create 60,000 new jobs

By George Wilson  |  Every election year the Republican waltz out a show to prove that they have a concern for the millions of Americans living below the poverty line and the working poor.

00_icon_wilsonThis year it was a seminar called the Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity in South Carolina, hosted by house speaker, Paul Ryan. They are so good with Orwellian names. Some of the Republican candidates for president were present and voiced their views. As expected, the candidates presented no new ideas.

Remember for George W. Bush it was something called “compassionate conservatism.” He gave tax breaks to the rich while the poor waited for the “trickle down” that never came. Soon forgotten was this notion. Romney, of course, made no such attempt except to get caught on tape spouting the real Republican philosophy of viewing the working poor as the 40 percent deadbeats.

However, when we discuss expanding Medicaid (paid for by the Federal government), raising the minimum wage, family leave, paying for college, or equal pay for women, they quickly retreat into the usual Grand Old Platitudes of letting the free market work, too much government regulation; and we can’t afford the costs.

Finally, here is an example of the true Republican philosophy working. Georgia has given the film industry in excess of a quarter-billion dollars. Governor Deal said, “This is a good trade for more than 79,000 jobs and $4 billion in wages.” However, he could have also created 60,000 jobs by expanding Medicaid that the federal government would have paid for without giving away any tax incentives. Governor Deal seems to be a considerable believer in passing out tax incentives and has become the Johnny Appleseed of crony capitalism, but reluctant to assist the working poor or save lives.
