WILSON: Where is the money that Georgia sends to DC? Still in Washington

Where is the money that Georgia sends to DC? Still in Washington

By George Wilson  |  Your money stays in Washington because of reactionary conservative Republican state government policy. Let me explain. Georgia ranked 39th in per-person receipts from the federal government in fiscal year 2013, the most recent calculated by State Policy Reports, a publication of the Washington-based Federal Funds Information for States. The state’s lowest ranking, 46th, in terms of federal grants per person, is the money doled out for projects like highways, sewer projects, education and mostly Medicaid.

00_icon_wilsonGov. Nathan Deal decided not to take advantage of bonus grants if the state expanded its Medicaid coverage as part of the Affordable Care Act., but that didn’t take effect until after the period analyzed. However, that decision means Georgia most likely received less grant money per person than states that expanded their Medicaid health coverage for the poor.

Also in the category of grants is funding for transportation. The state has passed up offers of federal grants to build passenger-rail lines, but transportation leaders here complain that the state doesn’t get its share of road funding. Yet polls show a strong preference for rail. In fiscal year 2013, Georgia received $1,163 per person in overall federal grants compared to the national average of $1,600.

Moreover, the lack of participation in the expansion of Medicaid probably results in a job loss of about 65,000 jobs. This has resulted in diminished tax revenues and the loss of the multiplier effect on the economy. Hence it has caused Georgia’s unemployment numbers to remain too high. In addition, the loss of life because of not having health insurance is a serious moral issue. Furthermore, we all pay higher rates because of the uninsured using the emergency rooms for health services. So any rise in health insurance premiums should be blamed on Governor Deal and the Republican dominated legislature, not the Affordable Health Care Act or Obama care.
