HOUSTON: State should call bluff of filmmaker’s many tax breaks in Georgia

By Debra Houston  |  So let me get this straight. Unless state legislators bow down to Hollywood values, Rob Reiner and other filmmakers will pull out of Georgia? I guess we’re supposed to exchange our free republic for a Hollywood-ocracy. They don’t call it Hollyweird for nothing.

I say bon voyage! We did fine before Hollywood bullied its way into Georgia, and we’ll do fine once they’re gone. We have enough zombies running wild in Fayetteville. I say move them to New Orleans and let them have with the gators.  Reptiles aren’t choosey about who they eat. Come to think about it, that would make a great reality show. Fear Factor and Survivor all rolled into one.

00_icon_houstonFilmmakers are saving a boatload of money through tax breaks here in Georgia, so perhaps we should call their bluff when they have temper tantrums over our laws. Make a mental note of that for 2017, Governor.

Furthermore, I’m completely ticked off with Bruce Springsteen. He cancelled a concert in North Carolina because that state dared to write a law prohibiting men from entering women’s restrooms. Am I so antiquated that I think a state should protect the privacy of women?

I boycott you, Springsteen! You can dance in the dark by yourself, dude. You weren’t the only one born in the USA. You’ve seen your glory days. Now take the E-Street back up to Jersey. And if you were really born to run, please do so above the Mason-Dixon Line. Satisfy that hungry heart of yours by staying away from restaurants that serve grits.

Your fans may call you The Boss, but you’re not the boss of me.
