MYSTERY: Where’s this converted Volkswagen?


Looks like the Mystery Photo is a converted Volkswagen, now an eatery, with stools and a bench. This food truck could make your mouth water. The diners seem to be enjoying themselves. Now tell us where you think it is located. Send in your thoughts to and be sure to include your hometown. (Photo by Frank Sharp.)

16.0726.mysteryThat Mystery Photo from the last issue was harder than we thought. Not a person was able to identify the photograph of the giant Adirondack chair, sent in by Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill.  We thought it would  be obvious, since it is in the Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake, N.Y.


Quilters recognize three residents of Ashton Senior Living

16.0729.QuiltsThe national Quilts of Valor Foundation’s Gwinnett QOV Quilters awarded quilts to three family members, a father and his two sons, at a ceremony held at Ashton Senior Living in Lawrenceville. Philadelphia Winn Chapter NSDAR Daughter Janet Perry, a member of the Gwinnett QOV Quilters, was accompanied by two members of the quilters group, Gerry Kraus and Joanne Jones, who assisted in the presentation ceremony by wrapping the honored veterans in their quilts, a part of the QOV ritual.  One of those getting a quilt was Homer Allen Prisock, Sr. shown with his daughter, Connie Priscock, and Joanne Jones from QOV. Mr. Priscock is a resident at Ashton Senior Living, is a ten-year veteran of the U. S. Army.  During his career from 1954 to 1964, he was stationed at Fort Benning, Fort Hood, Tex., Dexheim, Germany, and Fairbanks, Alaska. The Prisock Family coordinated this time of honor to coincide with Homer Sr.’s 80th birthday, and their family’s reunion.
