BRACK: McBath will do well; Return of quotes and Snellville relatives

By Elliott Brack
Editor and publisher

DEC. 4, 2018  |  Hurrah for Lucy McBath of Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District! We predict she’ll do well in the Congress.

Being a new Congressperson cannot be easy. After all, there’s a tremendous amount of difference between being a candidate for Congress, and then of about dealing with constituents from afar, about living in Washington, and maneuvering around all this morass.


One reason we think that Lucy McBath will do well in Washington is that she is starting off right. She has the smartness to vote for Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi to be the next Democrat leader of the House of Representatives.  Some 32 Congressmen, including 17 freshmen, did not vote for Pelosi in the Democratic caucus.  In our view, those freshmen were like lighting a firecracker but not getting rid of it immediately.

For Nancy Pelosi knows how to play politics, and no doubt will reward those who support her for speaker. To those who will oppose her, well, the term “backbencher” comes to mind, for they will get no choice assignments in the Democratic House establishment.

Nice first big story from Washington, Lucy McBath. Now keep it up.

ONLY 17 LEFT: That’s right. We have in stock only 17 of the 366 Facts about Gwinnett book which have not been sold. The book makes a perfect stocking stuffer for Christmas. Move fast if you want to get a copy for Christmas. This will be it, for there will not be a second printing.

  • Send orders to, or call immediately to 770-840-1003 to reserve your copy. The books are $7.50 plus 45 cents for Uncle Nathan Deal.

COME DECEMBER 18, a popular feature will return to GwinnettForum. This will be a quotation to lead off each issue, something that has been a part of the Forum since inception, except for the last year. During the Gwinnett bicentennial year,, we have substituted one of the facts from the book, 366 Facts about Gwinnett. So look for the quotations to return. If you are inclined, and see a good quote, send it to us for inclusion in an issue.

IT WAS A SIMPLE QUESTION we put to new Superior Court Judge Tracey Mason.  Since Superior Court Judge Melonie Snell Conner was to swear her in as a new judge, the question was “Why her?  Is she related to you?”  The answer from Judge Mason shows what a close community Snellville once was.

Tracey writes: “In the fabric of our lives, Melodie and I have lots of people who are related that weave us together.  Melodie’s great-grandmother (Mrs. Clemmie Snell -ER’s mother) and my grandmother, Carra Phillips, were neighbors and best friends.  My daddy and hers were close in high school and beyond.  Our parents double-dated in high school. Her mother, Barbara, played bridge with my mother, Helen. Uncle Wayne’s sister-in-law, Jean Biggers, married Earl Snell.  ER’s wife, Mable’s brother, James Jackson, married my mother’s first cousin, Edna.  We all went to the Snellville Methodist Church (except a few defected to the Baptists).  We have such a common history, know the same people, lived similar experiences.  And, we’re the same age, born 1961, were in the same advanced classes, played basketball, piano, etc.  Melodie and I were thrown together because of all that and love each other, too.”

So, the short answer is “No,” they are not related. But they might as well have been.
