BRACK: It appears to me that the City of Buford is getting  a bum rap

By Elliott Brack
Editor and Publisher, GwinnettForum

FEB. 5, 2019  |  From what I know, I think the people of Buford are getting a bum rap.

Buford is a good place to live, lots of people know. It has a tremendous community spirit. Its people are top notch, and recognize that being a resident of Buford is something of which to be proud.

Their reputation has recently been hurt by some mean spirit seeking to tarnish the city and its schools. Its top school system employee, the superintendent, apparently is a racist, as determined by a tape that a mystery person surreptitiously recorded in an attempt to get even with him. It was a low-down, dirty deception.

Because of the previous superintendent’s action and words, he is now gone.  Most people agree with that, not wanting a racist to head the system.  The terms that he is recorded saying are despicable and never should have been thought by anyone in these modern times.

From what we understand, whoever was behind this plot to make the city and its schools look bad, apparently tinkered with the tapes that are now so infamous. The person who first got the tapes said publicly that the voice of Buford Commission and School Board Chairman, Philip Beard, were not originally on the tapes.   Apparently someone tampered with the tapes, adding Mr. Beard’s voice, before making them public.

Even so, Mr. Beard said nothing on the tapes that was inappropriate. Apparently the perpetrator of the tape recording wanted to hurt both the school system and the city. They succeeded.

But now people are beginning to ask about the person who secretly recorded the tapes (and maybe spliced in the innocent words of Mr. Beard) and then distributed them.  We will probably never apprehend this despicable person. That  dirty work has been done. We suspect that he may even some day eventually brag about it. Perhaps others he (or she) talks to will make that bragging known, and bring to life the rest of the story.

Here are a few facts about the City of Buford, from its website.

Companies have located operations in Buford for some very solid reasons:

  • Well-developed infrastructures enhance the efficiency of business operations and favorably impact bottom-line profits.
  • Abundant, highly motivated, production-oriented labor force.
  • City-owned water, sewer, gas and electric systems provide the lowest utility rates in the area.
  • Scenic beauty and small town friendliness that create a nurturing environment for employees.
  • Major industrial and commercial acreage available on major transportation arteries priced to attract new business.
  • Independent city school system with local control of elementary, middle and high schools. More than 10 major universities within a 50 mile radius.
  • Fishing, boating, swimming, skiing, camping, beach and water park and golf at Lake Lanier Islands and local parks at Lake Lanier; hiking and camping in the north Georgia mountains; major league sports (baseball, basketball, football and hockey), theatre, concerts of all types, symphony, ballet and museums in nearby Atlanta.
  • 25-acre Buford City Park with tennis and basketball courts, as well as baseball, softball, and soccer fields.
  • Mall of Georgia, Art Colony Downtown, Tannery Row Antique Mall.

That’s not to mention the new facilities around town, the stately City Hall, the gorgeous and expansive Community Center with its 300 seat auditorium, and the new $80 million high school to open in August of 2019. The high school is on 16 acres.

We have no doubt Buford will overcome this recent bum rap.
