BRACK: Protect yourself and others; Get a Covid vaccination

By Elliott Brack
Editor and Publisher, GwinnettForum

AUG. 3, 2021  |  With more cases of the Covid virus, now often the Delta version, being reported virtually every day, this could drastically affect us all.  

The best case is that we will not catch this wave of the virus.  This is tremendously enhanced if we will be disciplined and wear masks when in the public.

The worst case is that we could die from catching this new strain of the virus.

There is one giant step we can take to do our best not to be a victim this time around from the virus. Many of us have taken this step, which is to get an inoculation.  Unfortunately, many of our fellow Georgians have not taken that step. The latest figures we have seen is that only 37 percent of Georgians have the virus vaccination.

That’s horrible. And those of you who have not been vaccinated are being selfish, and downright dumb, about this process.

You are selfish in that you think you are not thinking of your fellow man. You could give someone else the virus if you are not vaccinated.  That’s selfish.  But it is also dumb, because you could catch the virus yourself, and even might die. 

Look, no one likes to be pin-pricked with a vaccination needle. We personally don’t like the needle, and cringe to think about it. But we accept it to help maintain good health. Perhaps most of us have memories when as a kid someone, who was less-than-smooth in giving a shot, injected us. Often there would be a swelling (which could hurt) from the injection. Those old memories may keep you from actually wanting to get a shot. But, you should.

Many doctors today use modern medicine to check your health by taking blood at your annual or six month treatment.  We don’t love that procedure, either. But we do it, so that the doctors can analyze our blood to make several calculations on our health, including which medicines to take, and how much, to improve our health.

We’ll admit to a certain unusual method we ask when being stuck with a needle for a blood test. Where formerly the nurse would insert the needle on the inside of my elbow, apparently in that area I have small blood vessels.  After years of being poked in several places before the nurse could draw blood, I balked.   

“Look at the top of my hands. I have large veins. Insert it there.”  The nurses do, and it’s much easier, usually working the first time. Less stress on me and done rather quickly. Try it if you are apprehensive of being poked in a difficult place.

Now back to a statistic from Dr. Andrew Fauci we heard him say on Friday: in the case of the people who have recently died from Covid, 99.5 percent of them had not had the Covid shot.

What?  Ninety nine point five percent of deaths because these person were too dumb, too stupid, too afraid or have had the wool pulled over their eyes so that they choosse not to get the Covid vaccination!

That speaks loudly. 

If you have not so far had a Covid shot, protect yourself, and others, by getting a shot this week. Help us stop this pandemic by doing your part and stay healthy at the same time. 
