FOCUS: Honesty and integrity await resurrection; fight on!

By Ashley Herndon

OCEANSIDE, Calif.  |  Never forgive evil, lying, violence, and cruelty, even less the fanatics using those tools pretending “the means are worth the end.”  


These people are poisoned and without study, there is a chance we may never see a positive end to our current crisis.  Yes Virginia, losing our democracy is in crisis.

Propaganda example: “The Fascists will save us from the communists.”   Really? Germany, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, et al, tried that already, How did that end?  Today’s Fascism is plantation capitalism in disguise. It has re-emerged and is maiming average Americans. We cannot allow “One Person Rule” to happen!

It is hard to be progressive while others posture, claiming Christianity. They use violent Old Testament phrases, not the words of the Master.  History proves authoritarianism grows when the elite split and splinter the social/cultural structure. That includes both the supposedly educated and the not so much. The choice that was made in the 60s to curtail some subjects in school, and it  worked.  America has been dumbed down at every level.  Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Castro learned that by controlling the press they could dominate the contemporary population.

Do I remember correctly? The oligarchic structure was sold on the “lie” that  it will build wealth?  This plays to the greed in everyone.  However, it is not reported that the top tiny fraction” of the wealthiest increased by the amount the general public lost.

It is said, fascism, can’t “happen here.” It already has and when it comes full circle, the installation of a fascist government will not be by coup or military takeover.  It will be from the inside, with the groundwork having already been constructed.  (Remember Eisenhower’s warning of the military industrial complex?)  Does defeated Donald Trump practice free speech or freedom of the press?  Nope!  Voter suppression is his reality!

Hitler used rallies to excite people. Doesn’t Mr. Trump do this also? Nazis assumed power in Germany through democratic means, then abolished democracy.  The Neo-GOP has the Bund, the KKK, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, QAnon, White Nationalists, Fritz Kuhn (the American Fuhrer) and the like waiting in the wings.  

Time to remember what Samuel Johnson advised: Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.”

Our founders did not want extreme executive powers, period. The industrial lobby is hard at work with flag waving conformists and their authoritarians squatting on and splintering the old GOP. It was once a good and necessary party, but has lost its honesty and integrity.  The battle today is about justice and actual freedom for all, not for a special group or political system.

Today’s Enemy is tyranny.  It is not the fault of capitalism, communism or socialism. It is fascist demagogues and oligarchs. 

Sadly it is our fault.  It is us, “We the People.”  We let it slide. We let “them” take control while worrying about our IRAs, 401-Ks, home values, and next vacation.  These will disappear when destroyed by the oligarchs.

Honesty and integrity await resurrection.  They aren’t dead, just dusty.  Fight on!
