FOCUS: Putin is just rattling sabers; he doesn’t want war

By Raleigh Perry

BUFORD, Ga.  |  Vladimir Putin is often hard to read. However, today it seems that he is doing something that he has never done before.  


First, he has stated unequivocally that he does not want NATO very close to Russia.  I do not have a problem with that request at all.  We did not want Russia in Cuba and got them out.  

Also, Putin has stated that he had no intention of invading Ukraine. But actions speak louder than words; he just wants to negotiate.  If my memory serves me right, he has also said that he is being ignored and wants more attention.  So he raises a ruckus.  That is how I see it at the moment.  He is getting his attention.

Normally if a country wants to invade another, they just do it.  He has not done that.  He just wants to talk about it.  His country does not have a strong economy and it takes a versatile economy to support a war.  

Russia’s economy is based on oil and natural gas, government run. Russia is supplying natural gas to much of Western Europe. That is Putin’s main revenue source.  They are, or say that they are, developing new weapons, but obviously he is not ready to use them.  Other than that, I see the vast Russian land as a consumer country. 

Ukraine, in green.

I think all that Putin is doing is rattling sabers. We have no intentions of placing troops or weapons on the ground in Ukraine, but we are placing them close by.  I think, more than ever, that all Putin wants to do is to see about what we had and how fast we could move them.  

In the Wednesday, February 16th issue of The New York Times, there is an interesting letter to the editor.  Basically, it speaks of the negative press that Biden is getting from the Times.  In this particular instance, negotiating with Putin, he is doing an excellent job.  To a great degree, I feel that Putin is testing Biden’s resolve and Biden is standing his ground.  At least he is not osculating the Gluteus Maximus of Putin like Trump did.  

There has been too much time involved.  I think if something was going to happen, it would have happened by now.  Though the Times editorials are eating Biden up, though he seems unfazed by it.  The strongest thing he is doing is standing his ground, which he is doing.

Biden is doing no more than what he learned in the Boy Scouts.  He is “being prepared.”  Things are happening every day in this game.  Reuters is saying that Russia is moving no troops whatsoever, but other sources say he is.  We simply have to hope for the best.

Some idiots want war.  Some are in the legislature.  I am not a war monger and will do anything to keep out of one.  Simply put, “been there, done that.”  The people who want war are those who have never been in one.  Send them in first, as soon as the incoming rounds begin, they will soil their pants for sure.  

But Putin is rattling sabers to get the world’s attention.  He doesn’t want war.
