ANOTHER VIEW: Create a legacy through meaningful volunteer opportunities

By Al McRae
President, Bank of America Atlanta

ATLANTA, Ga.  |  There is no doubt our community has experienced immense challenges over the past two years as a result of the pandemic. Local nonprofits and charitable organizations were particularly impacted as they faced increased demand for their services and support while losing in-person volunteer support because of safety concerns. 

McRae | Provided

While charitable giving was up in 2021, volunteerism rates continued to trend downward, an unfortunate pattern over the last few years that was only made more difficult by limited in-person activities during the pandemic. Many nonprofits here rely on volunteers to assist in delivering critical services, resources and tools to vulnerable and historically marginalized communities. Without the support of volunteers, several nonprofits were challenged even more as they navigated the heightened needs of metro Atlanta.  

To help, many private sector companies like Bank of America found unique ways to safely contribute and give back to nonprofits in Atlanta, such as Atlanta Community Food Bank and Junior Achievement of Georgia Atlanta Discovery Center. As part of our approach to addressing issues in the community to advance economic mobility and social progress, we actively encourage employee volunteerism by offering paid weekly time off to give back to the community. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, such as limited in-person activities, local bank employees volunteered more than 100,000 volunteer hours in 2020 and 2021.

As society begins reopening safely, April’s Global Service Month is exciting as community members renew their commitment to volunteerism through onsite and in-person opportunities for the many nonprofits making a positive impact in Atlanta. As we discover our new normal and start to enjoy more of the in-person activities we missed in the last two years, we’re pleased to drive volunteer engagement through live and virtual opportunities. 

During this special month, there are some great opportunities where we can support the local nonprofits and charitable organizations:

  • United Way Shoe Box Project;
  • Atlanta Community Food Bank;
  • Junior Achievement of Georgia Atlanta Discovery Center;
  • Smithsonian Transcribe-A-Thon; and
  • USO of Georgia, among others.

A few ways Bank of America teammates are spending their time volunteering and giving back this month include partnering with the United Way of Greater Atlanta assembling more than 1,000 shoeboxes filled with essential toiletry items that will be distributed to homeless men, women and children in Atlanta. Additionally, Bank of America Better Money Habits Champions will be presenting to local nonprofits in Atlanta and partnering with Junior Achievement of Georgia Atlanta Discovery Center. The Junior Achievement event will teach sixth grade students through an immersive simulation that enables them to develop financial skills to successfully navigate today’s complex economic environment and discover how decisions today can impact tomorrow.

By fostering partnerships between the public and private sectors, we can create pathways to connect our employees to meaningful opportunities and embrace their passion for lending a helping hand.
