MYSTERY PHOTO: Ancient stone building reminds you of Europe

Today’s Mystery Photo is made of stone, looks ancient, and also has a certain European look. Now see if you can determine where this building is located. Send your ideas to, and include your hometown. 

Photo from Peel

Original mystery

The Mystery Photo in the June 10 edition (after one week of no Forum), was spotted by only George Graf of Palmyra, Va. He wrote: “This is the Honfleur Lighthouse, Port of Honfleur, in the Norman town of Honfleur, France.  This lighthouse was built in 1876. The present lighthouse replaced an 1843 masonry tower, which is believed to have replaced an earlier light. Located at the point of the jetty, marking the entrance to the Avant Port in the old city section of Honfleur. Its red light osculating twice every six seconds in a  12m (40 foot) round cylindrical tower with lantern and gallery, mounted on a stone base. I’m including a photo of the old masonry tower lighthouse.”  The photo came from Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex. 
