MYSTERY PHOTO: Advertising may allow you to be able to spot this mystery

If advertising means anything, lots of readers ought to get an idea where this week’s Mystery Photo is located. Put on your thinking caps, and figure out what this photo represents, and where it is located. Send your answers and hometown to

The building shown in the recent Mystery Photo might have been in many cities, since funds and plans for that building and many others similar came from steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. You see such buildings in many cities. Jim Savadelis from Duluth was first in, followed by Stew Ogilvie, Lawrenceville; Ida Cobb, Ovieto, Fla.; Lou Camerio, Lilburn; George Graf, Palmyra, Va.; and Allan Peel, San Antonio, Tex.  It is the library in Lavonia, Ga., sent in by Charles Anderson of Lawrenceville, who says that it was built for $5,000 after a request by the citizens for $5,000 from Carnegie.

Peel added: “Today’s mystery photo is of the Lavonia-Carnegie Library, at 28 Hartwell Road in Lavonia, Ga. It was built in 1911 with funding support from Andrew Carnegie. The building is a single-story, yellow-brick building with Renaissance Revival styling, and is the most architecturally sophisticated building in the small community. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983 and has continued to serve as a library for the Lavonia community for more than 110 years.”

