FOCUS: National Republicans’ right-wing policies might backfire

By Jack Bernard, contributing columnist

PEACHTREE CITY, Ga.  |  GOP national leaders complain about the Democrats “Far-Left socialist policies.” Well, the Republicans have won the House, although barely, because of  their right-wing extremism. So, what are they going to do? 

Here are just a few of the “far-left socialist” items passed by House Democrats in the last session that the GOP opposed. Because of the filibuster, each of these bills were stalled in the Senate by GOP leadership: 

  • HR 1- The “For the People Act” to make it easier for our citizens to vote, lessen the amount of money going to politicians as contributions, and improve the ethical codes for politicians. 
  • HR 4- The “Voting Rights Amendment Act” to ensure that the right to vote is not impeded. 
  • HR 5- The Equality Act” to end sex and gender discrimination. 
  • HR 6- The “Dream and Promise Act” to permit productive undocumented people who came here as children (“Dreamers”) to stay in the only nation that they have ever known versus being deported. 
  • HR 8/HR 1446- The “Background Checks Acts” to ensure that there is a background check every time a gun is sold (versus loopholes, like gun show sales exemptions.) 

Here’s what voter polls show regarding each of the above areas of concern: 

  1. Some 60 percent of Americans believe that voter registration should be automatic while only 19 percent are opposed. Most Democrats wanted no-excuse absentee voting like we have here in Georgia while most Republicans did not.  And 68 percent want Election Day to be a national holiday, according to a Pew poll. 
  2. A slight majority, 53 percent of those polled, think that new laws are needed to stop discrimination against LGBT people in employment, housing and other settings. 
  3. Three fourths of Americans want legal status for “dreamers,” those who are undocumented and came here as children.
  4. Americans very strongly support firearms background checks. Even 83 percent of gun owners wanted expansion of background checks.

Obviously, despite the views of their constituents who clearly supported these “far right socialist policies,” the GOP controlled House will continue to oppose the above items. So, what are the GOP’s ideas for change?  

How does the GOP intend to stop inflation? Reagan did by creating a terrible recession 40 years ago. Does the GOP simply want to let big corporations like petroleum firms continue to punish us at the pump while making exorbitant profits? Does the GOP seek to nationalize these companies? If not, how will they get them to produce more oil if doing so lowers their prices and profits? 

Does the GOP intend to erect more fences along our Southern border, costing billions while having little effect on illegal immigration per conservative think tanks? Mexico has refused to pay for it. What other ideas does the GOP have? 

It is the GOP that has moved further and further to the right, away from the clear views of voters, rather than the Democrats. In 2024, the GOP is in for a big surprise if it continues. 
