FOCUS: When GwinnettForum has a story on guns, you can bet on letters

(Editor’s note: One reason we print GwinnettForum is to have it available for all to respond to current topics, such as these below. We thank them for joining others who submit. Without you readers, life would not be so much fun. One aspect we require of submissions: to get printed, we require readers to list the name of the city where they get mail. This issue we had four more letters to the editor without a home town listing.)—eeb

By several readers

S. Scott Batterton, Lilburn: The law allowing open carry is for people who otherwise qualify for a concealed permit. Not for convicted felons or the mentally Ill. Having said this, I agree with you that it makes it too easy to legally carry. I have no problem with proper permitting to carry a weapon for protection. I am not aware that any mass shooters in the past have been properly permitted.”

Rick Hammond, Flowery Branch: I was moved to reply by your opinion piece on “Open Carry.” First, I’d like to point out that the citizens of 48 of our 50 United States have approved this legal philosophy. I find it pretentious that your feelings should override the will of what is obviously a substantial majority of the people in this country. 

Yes, I’d like to sit next to a legally armed citizen at a Braves’ game, or at any other function, large or small. Second, my children and grandchildren are safer in the presence of legally-armed citizens that they are waiting for our understaffed and under-appreciated law enforcement to arrive if something should happen. 

And third, statistics will show that almost no armed robberies or shootings are instigated by legal gun owners. In cases where the perpetrator is known, almost all result from illegal possession of a firearm.

I understand the desire to “do something” about the disturbing trend of casual gunplay in modern society. I submit that the prudent and proper way to address the situation is to concentrate on the lawbreakers, and not the law-abiding. If people regularly went to jail for illegal firearm possession, that would be a deterrent. 

Ronald Schwartz of Dublin: “You’re a Democrat who won’t admit Georgia is safer with these laws. 26 states with no issues. Atlanta is becoming Chicago because of Democrats and blacks with no appreciation for life. Quit publishing such junk.”

Richard Bowen, Odum: I never go anywhere without being armed. I have never harmed anyone with a weapon in my 78 years of life. Bad folks have been armed as long as there have been weapons. Don’t disarm law-abiding people and leave us helpless.

P.O. Arnold, Gainesville: How did he get the weapons?  Was there a background check completed before he purchased these guns? You state he has mental issues. What needs to be done is establish a deep background check system so people like him can’t buy a gun. 

Second, there needs to be some system in place for private owners that sell guns to check the buyer’s background. And a law that a person who sells a weapon to another person, and that person commits a crime using the gun, then the seller has to be responsible also.   

Lamar Harden, Brunswick: I somehow missed this story regarding the homeless person and the disturbing facts that he was possibly a nightmare waiting to happen due to our open carry law! I’m a firm Republican, bit this situation is in dire need of revision!  And should be addressed in detail now.

Barbara Warden, Norcross: “Did the fellow in Publix kill anyone?  I admit it is a bit much to travel with, but he did no harm.  Start collecting the guns from gangs and known criminals and stop attacking law bidding citizens. And by the way, if the criminals know the citizens carry, they are less likely to commit a crime against them. Let’s start getting DA’s to uphold the laws!”

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