BRACK: Universal military training would be good for our country

Via Unsplash.

By Elliott Brack
Editor and Publisher, GwinnettForum

OCT. 27, 2023  |  You betcha, yes, I am an advocate of Universal Military Training.  If the United States adopted this program to train young people, it could make them more responsible adults as future citizens and better equipped to handle the world.

Many countries around the world require males to have military training. It’s normal in most of Europe (Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Austria and Russia). It’s popular in the Middle East, in Asia and Africa, and not unusual in South America (Brazil, Columbia, Chile.)

Here is a list of countries requiring military service.

My military training taught me so much. It started as a 10th grader in Bibb County schools, in a junior ROTC program, standard for students then at Lanier High School.  In those days, many of us young college  students joined the Georgia National Guard, where I served for two years. When in college, I was in the ROTC program.  During the junior and senior year, as a ROTC student, I was transferred from the Guard to the Army Reserve. 

Upon college graduation, I was commissioned an officer, and served for 3.5 years in Germany.  Altogether, I ended with 7.5 years military service.

And what did the military teach me?  So much!

  • Discipline. You quickly learn to immediately obey orders no matter what. And you learn to stay on the job until completion. Oh, how this serves you in later life!
  • Teamwork. You are working with a group, with others trained as well as you.  All look out for one another, and get the job done together.
  • Military instruction: This taught me much, but especially marksmanship with a M-1 rifle, allowing me to tightly group shots on distant targets. Never an outdoorsman, I was amazed at the results. 
  • Punctuality: The military wants you there when they need you, and well in advance.
  • Neatness. Sloppiness is not accepted in any form, in dress, in activity, in equipment….and in mind.
  • Civility: You recognize and respect your fellow soldiers, and you learn common courtesies with social manners.
  • Management: The military teaches you how to solve problems, to think in the long term, and apply all this to your job and to others.
  • Leadership:  This you get something like by osmosis, as you are trained to observe how others react to people, and learn how to apply common techniques to everyday situations. 
  • Respect: You learn to recognize the worthiness of all individuals, and to treat them in the way you want to be treated. It reflects diversity.
  • Confidence. All this training, repeated over and over, makes you and the guy next to you, into something of a robot. You know both of you will take on tasks and complete them.

What would be the benefits for the United States to adopt universal military training?

First of all, it would improve the lives of our oncoming citizens. It would make them more alert, tougher, and in the long run, better citizens.

Particularly today, with many youths brought up in broken or one-parent homes, where many lack the qualities that will spell success. They will be trained thoroughly, with the outcome that they will attain the qualities many are missing today. It will improve the overall society of the United States, for the youth of tomorrow will be in a better position to move forward with confidence and discipline.

Another element which makes sense: UMT should be mandatory for men, and voluntary for women. 

The United States will be strengthened with such a program.
