MYSTERY PHOTO: Just what country and what city does this represent?

Today’s mystery is merely a street in a town somewhere around the globe. But what country and what town. Search the Internet  if it will help and come up with the name where this photograph was made. Send your answer to and include your hometown.

The most recent  mystery came from Claire Danielson of Black Mountain, N.C.  First in to spot it was Ruthy Lachman Paul, Norcross, who wrote: “In the old town of Chesky Krumlov, 106 miles south of Prague, is this castle in one of the most beautiful ancient cities in the Czech Republic, recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is home to 14,000 people.

At the foot of the huge castle is a major trade route, which was established as early as the 13th century. Unlike other ancient cities I visited in the south of the Czech Republic, Chesky Krumlov is blessed with many tourists, adding life, sounds and color to its magical atmosphere. The town, which suffered neglect during the communist regime, has been restored, although you can still see unrenovated buildings that testify to its age, and to its authenticity.”

Others pinpointing this photo include Steve Ogilvie,Lawrenceville; Jay Altman, Columbia, S.C.; Allan Peel, San Antonio, Tex.; Lou Camerio, Lilburn (welcome back from the hospital); Susan McBrayer, Sugar Hill; and George Graf, Palmyra, Va.

SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO:  If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.
