WILSON: It works in Germany; Should college be free in USA?

By George Wilson  |  All German universities are now free to Americans and all other international students. Why are they offering such a generous plan?

00_icon_wilsonIt is because their government feels tuition fees are “unjust” and they discourage young people who do not have a traditional academic family background from taking up study. Further, they feel, it is a core task of politics to ensure that young women and men can study with a high quality standard. Therefore, semester fees are free, discounts for food; clothing, events, and free transportation are available.

Considering the average student loan debt in the United States is $29,400, many American high school students would do well to start learning German.

The “Brain Drain” that used to benefit this country is now going the other way. Most of the rest of the civilized world now looks at:

  • Our increasing political insanity and dysfunction;
  • Our delusional hatred of one another;
  • Our crumbling infrastructure, which we insist on neglecting just as we insist that our government is not permitted to function for the common good;
  • Our ever rising wealth disparity and the purposeful destruction of our middle class;
  • The disappearance of opportunity for all but the very wealthy;
  • Our rising intolerance and anger;
  • Our insistence on everyone having the right to go shopping while toting military weapons of mass killing; and
  • Our exorbitant student debt to pay for an education while we starve public education.

Perhaps an answer is to have a government where the citizens actually are willing to pay taxes for a government that works, an economy that benefits everyone and has the highest standard of living in the world.
